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Chances are if I take a poll in a room, I’ll find that the majority of people like music. Experiences of awe and joyful surprise interrupting the mundane often lead to singing. Many of the characters of the Christmas story — the angels, shepherds, Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, Simeon, and Anna showed us this.
The angels sang, announcing the majesty of God. The shepherds sang — in utter amazement of their divine visitation. Zechariah sang — when he received the fulfillment of a promise in his old age. Mary and Elizabeth sang — having found favor and been chosen to birth greatness. Simeon and Anna sang — acknowledging the privilege to witness the coming of the Savior.
They sang because they were so enraptured by the visitation of the divine in their mundane lives.
Do you consider your life mundane? At the verge of despair? Is the Christmas miracle lost on you?
Now, rejoice, the promise is fulfilled. Your king is here. Jesus is born.
And this means — You will sing a new song.
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
– Luke 2:14
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