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A compass reminds me of a journey.
Joseph and Mary were directed by God to Egypt, so they would avoid Herod’s murderous campaign. It was no doubt, an arduous journey. It was an uncharted terrain in their lives – giving birth to their first son while escaping from the sword of the most powerful person in their jurisdiction. But it was worth it because they carried Jesus, who grew to become the Savior of the whole world.
In His adult life, Jesus had a sense of purpose and was directed by God in all He did. He’s finished the course and has passed the life-baton to you.
“What do you want to do with your life?” “Who are your friends?” “ Is this business a good deal?” “What do you want to study?” “Who do you want to marry?”
Trust me, you need direction.
Your life is a journey through uncharted terrain. You have a purpose, but you do not have a map so you do not know every little detail about your life’s journey. If you did, you wouldn’t need faith.
But you have a compass from the One who says “I will lead you and show you the way to go.”
If you set Him as your true north and your sights on the glory and purpose of your creation, He will make your journey through the triumphs and challenges of life worth it. He will direct your path.
You can trust Him. You don’t have to travel alone.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
– Psalm 32:8
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