Hey guys!
Welcome to our final episode of season 1 on That’s It! with Aisha & Busola (TIWAB) Podcast and it’s been an exciting run! We’ve thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it and are definitely looking forward to our season 2 where we will bring you more interesting and engaging topics.
Today, we will recap our Season 1’s highlights:
- Culture Shock – we discussed how we navigated the culture changes when we moved to a new country.
- Before you Japa – we shared our take on things to do or know before you travel and the importance of defining your “why” before you travel.
- Racism – the big elephant in the room, how to navigate this almost unavoidable reality of living abroad, especially in the western countries. We will definitely revisit this topic. This was also our most listened to episode.
- Assimilation vs authenticity Diaspora – we discussed how we balanced staying true to ourselves while embracing living abroad.
- Diaspora: Blessing or Curse – Lastly, we talked about the pros and cons of living abroad.
We hope you guys found these topics and our experiences totally relatable and you would engage with us on social media @tiwab.podcast on IG and FB.
In this episode, we also played a very interesting game called “Would you Rather?” Enjoy our hilarious choices as we wrap up this beautiful season.
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Thank you for joining That’s It! with Aisha & Busola.
SEASON 2 is in the works guys💃🏽💃🏽… this is the time to binge all past episodes.
As always, don’t keep the gist to yourself—share it with a friend, leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform, and spread the word on social media. Links below. Again, we hope that you will find these stories relatable and realize that you are not alone in the struggle.
Get into it below or listen on most podcast platforms including Spotify, Apple, Google, Deezer, and Amazon Music.
Follow @tiwab.podcast on Instagram and Facebook or visit the Istoria County website.
That’s It! with Aisha & Busola is produced by the Istoria County Audio Network, a division of Householder Publishing LLC.
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